Saturday, April 19, 2008

Review of the Germantown 50K (31.06 miles)

I have to say this was just a spur of the moment thing. It was just a week after the marathon and i just took a chance. This takes place a the Germantown reserve. Although the race entry was just over 50 or so people it was wonderful. They are all so friendly. It is 4-7.75mile loops. Each loop had 5 or 6 steep hills and then on the other side of those you have to go down them. This is a trail run so you are running on rocks, stumps, and roots. The leaves were turning and falling on the ground. This made for some great scenery. The three aid stations were well stocked and were enough to keep you fueled. I even found time to make calls on my cell phone. I mean you have to fill the time somehow. (It was just for a few minutes).
At the start of the second loop my arch in my foot gave out. It was a sharp stinging pain that would hurt when I was on uneven ground. My saying was (to persevere) and that I did. At the end I felt again like I had really accomplished something. I mean when you think about it how many people can go that distance in one day.

It took me 7 hrs. 29 min. and some sec.

I will plan on running another Ultra marathon next year.

Rating: (1-10 with 10 being the best)

Race course-8 (really hilly)
Aid Stations-9 ( Super friendly but no entertainment)
Fun-8 (not fun unless you like hiking in the woods by yourself)

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