Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bad language

I know this should contain some exercise news, so here it is. I did a tempo run today. My three mile run was under 24 min. which is pretty good. I have run faster but that will do. The y did not have towels at 1:45 pm in the afternoon which seems stupid. I think I was covered in an inch of sweat when I got done. Then I did 10 min on the bike.

On with my title. The people at work use bad language all the time. I think that they feel it is there god given duty to use such language. I just can't understand it. I mean, I understand the occasional slip or when you are steaming mad. They could be having the best day ever and they would swear every other word. I even think they call me girly just for not talking like them. Now granted they are good friends and treat me just like they treat everyone else. I just have not figured out the fascination.

Just my thoughts.

Love running and everything about it!


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