Friday, May 30, 2008

First Visit

Well I had my first visit to the physical therapist. She checked my hips and said they were slightly off but not to worry. Then she looked at my feet and said they look like two different feet. Now I am not sure on how to take that but ok. Then she had me walk back and forth to watch for my foot motion. She said I have a high arch. Then she compared my feet more closely and then retracted the different feet comment. This all leads up to that fact that structurely I am fine. I do have a weekness on that leg probably due to the previous injury. I knew I had a leg dominance problem before I showed up, so no surprise there. The doctor has prescribed this anti inflamitory medicine that is given using electric stimulus. The put electrodes on my calf and over the medicine spot. This makes the medicine penetrate the Achilles directly without injecting with a needle. Strange Huh?
It feels like you are burning or getting a tattoo. Just to think only 4 or 5 more of those to go. Plus I have lots of stretching and work to do at home. Prognosis is questionable. Hopefully the inflamation will be better in a couple of weeks and then I will still have to proceed with the strengthening of the muscles. I will probably have a slow introduction back into running. I am trying to be optimistic about running the race a friend and I want to run this fall. If all goes well I might be able to proceed as planned. Keep your fingers crossed.

Love running and everything about it. Burning:)


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