Thursday, June 5, 2008


I think that this post will just be a thoughts for the week post.

First Politics. I don't follow politics much, just enough to say I know what is going on and I understand everyone has thier opinion. Thats cool, but I say you are just picking the lesser of two evils. Economically, whoever the President will be will inheret the problem. I think we are stuck in this financial mess for a while if not permanently. The war, what a mess. Like I said I know everyone has an opinion but I see not much winning in the since of public opinion for the new president. I mean how can they win? I feel this president is doomed to fail whoever it will be.

Basketball. Now I don't even follow pro basketball much but I want the Celtics to win. Who would like a team with a color scheme of yellow and purple. Yuck! Kobe is good but I am rooting for the underdog. They might not technically be the underdog but they have not won a title in a while and in my book that makes them the underdog.

Blockbuster. I think this is a dying company unless they go with the times. Who wants to go to the store and pay 4 to 5 bucks for a movie these days. I mean you can go to the web, go to redbox at McD's or on demand from your cable company. There are so many other options that appear better. I heard they are sticking kiosks in there store to download movies to video players. Ok fine, the problem is they don't work with Ipods. I am guessing but isn't at least 80% of the video players Ipods?
Sounds like a bad move.

Enough topics because I don't really know anything anyways.

Love running and everything about it.


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