Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Faking or not?

Yesterday I headed to the Sport Med doctor for what seemed like the hundredth time.
He was vague as usuall. Do they every really know what they are doing or are they making up as they go along? I am sure he does know what he is doing but sometimes it feels that way when you get frustrated. Between he and I we figure that it is not getting much better. Yes the symptoms have gone down but when I strain it with activity they come back. So the next step is the dreaded MRI. I wish we would have done this first but that is the way the cookie crumbles. I still have not contacted my running partner. (Sorry) I will get around to that someday. I now want to wait until I know what the MRI says. I will try to fit that in sometime during the next few weeks.

In good news land I am going on Vacation next week. Isn't that just peachy? I can't wait. I think we all need some R&R. I will even get to see my brother. Then after we get back my week will be crazy. I have a race to go to and the tennis tournament also. It will be my sons first race and we will see if he likes it. Cross your fingers.

Children are loving VBS this week. I think they get pure adrenaline while they are there by the way they act when they get home.

Well have to go.

Love running and EVERYTHING ABOUT IT.


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