Thursday, June 12, 2008

Run in

So yesterday my two offspring and I were out for a ride when all of a sudden we had an accident. You know these things just spring up on you. There were no fatalities or anything just a minor fender bender. It happened in the cultisack (Misspelled) near my house.
So here are the details. I was leading the way on my bike. (you thought it was a car didn't you.) So then my oldest and then my youngest trying to cut in the middle. Then all of a sudden I looked up and saw a car coming. Panic that my children would not stop and go out in the road I say (Loudly) "car". I then proceed to slam on my brakes thinking my children would to. NOT. My oldest runs into the back of me. My youngest then proceeds to slam in the side of me. All while wearing flip flops. (Bad Idea) So I ask them did you think to stop and they sit there with a blank stare on there face. I say well did you and they make that I don't know face. You know the one I am talking about. I look down and I have black marks all up and down my leg. My chain has come off. I proceed to wave at the car to say I sorry and I get no acknowledgment. (How ruuude). At least I did not hit his car. He should be happy, with my big but I could have dented the car up pretty bad.

Well there you have it. My exercise for the week so far.

Love running and everything about it.


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