Saturday, April 19, 2008

Turkey trot with the freezing rain

Well I did it. I know big fatty 2 by 4 can actually run. I was just beaming with joy. God really carried me through this one.
The week before the race I decided to run the race on the treadmill. The treadmill is always my worst nightmare. I don't mind running on the thing but it always says I go slower than when I run on the road. After 40 minutes I set a new personal record. I was satisfied that I would be able or at least hopeful to repeat in the race.
Standing there with thousands of other runners in the freezing rain I said to myself this should be fun. The year before had sleet at a horizontal angle. It felt like being sand blasted so I thought we can do this. My friend was somewhere in the crowd but I could not find her. I did manage to see her husband twice. He cheers me on in alot of races which means a lot. So off we go. I knew that I was moving pretty good. When the race was over I had finished with a total time of 38 minutes. This is faster than any other pace. It turned out to be 7:36 a mile for a total of five miles. After the race my friend on the side of the road called me. He said you might have placed. I said Naw. (Country like) Well when I got the results a few days later it said that I placed third in my division. This was the 225 lbs and up. So they gave me a plaque. See bigfoots can run also.
Then I was off to play football.


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