Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Flying pig weekend.

This has been one of the more interesting weekends of my life. We had a great time. Please let me recap.

Friday nite we headed off for the expo and and picked up all of our packets. My wife decided to sign up for the 5k so all of us had something to look forward to. The expo was packed. Then we headed back home with a stop at the Cracker Barrel for dinner. We did not get home until after 10:00.

Saturday morning we headed out early and got to downtown Cininnati around 9:00 am. We walked to Ethans start and with his nervous energy he headed out to the unknown. Boy was I nervous. My boy in downtown by himself and a ton of other kids. By the time we could get to the other side of the stadium he had already finished. You could just see the pride on his face. With medal firmly around his neck we headed back to the other side for Jeri's race. A few potty breaks later she headed out. If you could see her you would see the excitement on her face. Even though we had done a lot of work on her back it was still hurting. We then headed back to the finish. roughly 37 minutes later here she comes. For a girl who has run the only a month or two and mostly on a treadmill she did awsome. This course is hilly and not the normal terrain you would run in Dayton. Once we found her at the exit we headed down to the river for relaxation. Now keep in mind we have not been able to find my Mom all morning.
We then took Ella up to the piglet runs and we let her go in the fence area were they were running younger kids races. For some reason she thought it was her turn so she took off. A few moments later here she comes grasping a medal, as proud as can be. We had to inform her that it was not the right race. From high to low in her expression. Funny though. 15 minutes later she finally lined up for her race. Next thing I know I feel a tap on my shoulder. It was my mom. Then the announcer says go.
Ella takes off like a dragster. I think she thought she was so fast she was looking around and behind her as she ran. Medal number 2 and the correct reaction on her face. It was priceless.

So off to lunch with my mom at wympee's in Newport and we passed a dead guy. No we did not leave him. The paramedics where already working on him. Then off to the hotel and check in. We then went to Brio's for dinner and watched the Kentucky Derby while we ate. Great time.

Sleep and the morning to come.

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