Sunday, October 19, 2008

Shout out for our friends

We have friends named Bryan and Melissa. Today they ran in Columbus Ohio. Melissa ran the whole marathon and Bryan ran the half Marathon. My wife and I are so proud of them. The both accomplished the goals they set for themselves. Know you have to understand that Bryan had barely run before the training season started. Our day started early. We got up at 6:30 and took off around 7:30. We drove to Columbus and set ourselves up at the halfway point to see Melissa run by. She was at the front of the Pace group she had signed up for. She looked like she was putting in little effort which is good when you are only half way of 26.2 miles. We cheered her on and went to the finish. We missed Bryan somehow due to his master disguise but we cheered Melissa as she came to the finish. We managed to catch up with them at the celebration park. She qualified for BOSTON. You go girl and Bryan reached his time goal he had set. He looked great for running 13.1 miles for the first time ever. He blew away his longest run by 4 miles. Running is a individual sport but I think that you need support to run. So give them a shout out if you know them. They both definitely deserve the cheers and thata boys that you give. I suggest we start a letter writing campaign to convince her to run BOSTON. Did I say BOSTON. It is such a historic race. She would love it.
I have never run or even been there but it is a legend in the sport. So cheer cheer away.

You go guys.


1 comment:

Your loving wife said...

I am begging you to never use the phrase "you go girl" again. In the name of all that's good and holy...never again!